We have the right to be treated with respect.
Notice of Rights of Domestic Workers [PDF]
Domestic workers, regardless of immigration status, have the same rights as other workers to minimum wage, overtime, and other wage and hour protections. There are also special rules for domestic workers relating to recordkeeping, rest time, charges for food and lodging, and conditions for live-in domestic workers.
Every domestic worker must receive a notice of their employment rights under state and federal law from their employer. -
MCDW Checklist for Employers [PDF]
Hand in Hand Checklist for Employers [Web Form]
Go through these checklists for employers who want to understand better how to comply with the Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights. -
Attorney General's Sample Contract [PDF]
Hand in Hand Sample Contracts [Webpage]
MCDW Sample contract [Docx]
You can use these ideas to write your own contract. Be sure to write your contract to fit your own situation, and be as specific as possible about wages, benefits, time off, duties, rights and obligations, and so on. -
Attorney General’s Office Sample Performance Review [PDF]
The Attorney General's Office has published a sample performance review. Please be sure to rewrite it for your own situation, if you need to.
It's important that you have your employer review your work regularly -- after you've worked with that employer for 3 months, and then every year after that.This performance review is a good opportunity for you to have written proof of how your employer is evaluating your work. If you do not agree with something your employer writes on the review, you can ask them to replace it with something that both of you agree to.
If you cannot come to an agreement, you can write a letter addressed to your employer that explains your point of view.
Attorney General’s Office Sample Record of Information [PDF]
It's important for you that your employer keep good, true records of your wages, hours of work, benefits, time off, and so on. And the law requires this.
The Attorney General's Office has published a sample record of information for domestic workers. Be sure that it gives the information for your own situation. -
Attorney General’s Office Sample Time Sheet [PDF]
The Attorney General (AG)'s office has made a sample time sheet for domestic workers and their employers. Feel free to use this time sheet, tailored to your situation.