Fall 2019 Newsletter

Fall 2019 Newsletter

September 2019

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Logo for the coalition,  has 3 people, one in orange, green and purple. Orange is by a stroller, Green is holding a broom up and purple is holding a laundry basket.  The background is a gray map of Massachusetts

Coalition News and Updates!

Hello Friends!

Moments continue to happen over here at MCDW!  In the past month, MCDW has participated and supported initiatives and events of our coalition members, and continued to build community and support among ourselves and our partners.

First and foremost, we need your help!  From today until Friday, we are asking for your support in helping us raise $10,000 to build the necessary infrastructure to support our base.  Whether through donating money, or asking friends to donate, every little bit helps!  Sharing is caring and domestic workers deserve to be cared for in the same ways they care for us!    Here is the link: let's support MCDW!

Here's some of what we've been up to:

We held a messaging focus group on September 7th with over 30 domestic workers where the workers took part in forming our media campaign.  It was a great day filled with beautiful energy that focused on bringing dignity and respect to the work.  Domestic work is dignified work and should be treated as such.  Thank you to MassCOSH and the DDC for supporting this event. We will unveil our messaging campaign on October 16th from 6pm - 8pm. Please RSVP here: RSVP for October 16th Event.

A couple of days before the focus group on September 4th, we went to state house to support and witness the testimonies of our coalition members and other supporters on the Work and Family Mobility Act. As you can see from the pictures, the line was long and the room was packed.

Listen to one of our coalition steering committee member, Dr. Natalícia Tracy from the Brazilian Worker's Center, give their testimony as to why Massachusetts needs Driver’s Licenses for All.  To learn more, check out the Driving Families Forward facebook page.

On September 8th, we tabled at the Brazilian Independence Day Festival which was sponsored and organized by the Brazilian Women's Group.  It was a beautiful day to be outside in the park listening to music, watching performances and communicating information about the domestic worker's bill of rights.  Check out some of the great pictures of the day!

Currently, we are hard at work trying to build the necessary capacity to move our work forward.  If you would like to support us, please email us at info@massdomesticworkers.org.  

Upcoming Events

Please save the following dates and join us for some media events!
October 16th, 6pm-8pm: RSVP link (please be on a look out for a more formal invitation)
November 16th, 6pm-8pm (RSVP link coming soon)
December 16th, 6pm-8pm  (RSVP link coming soon) 

Know a domestic worker? An employer of a domestic worker? Or a general supporter?

Send them this link - http://bit.ly/mcdw-newsletter and have them sign up for our newsletter to learn more about the legal rights of domestic workers and what they can do to ensure dignity, respect & justice for those who carry the economy on their backs! 

MCDW's twitter
MCDW's facebook page
MCDW's Website

October 2019

View this email in your browser
Logo for the coalition,  has 3 people, one in orange, green and purple. Orange is by a stroller, Green is holding a broom up and purple is holding a laundry basket.  The background is a gray map of Massachusetts

Coalition News and Updates!

Hello Friends!

Moments continue to happen over here at MCDW!  In the past month, MCDW has participated and supported initiatives and events of our coalition members, and continued to build community and support among ourselves and our partners.

First and foremost, we still need your help!  We are asking for your support in helping us raise $10,000 to build the necessary infrastructure to support our base.  Whether through donating money, or asking friends to donate, every little bit helps!  Sharing is caring and domestic workers deserve to be cared for in the same ways they care for us!    Here is the link: let's support MCDW!

We've launched the first part of our social media campaign!

On October 16th, we have an excellent turnout for the first part of our social media campaign.  Check out some of our images!   
Domestic workers were represented from various members of the steering committee (as well as many of their children), two attorneys represented the AGO, and a number of supporters from various organizations and affiliations came out to celebrate the launch. The event was lead in Spanish and graciously translated to English by Mitch Lewis. Maga Troncoso (MCDW) led a warm welcome and introduction, and Lidia Ferrera (BWG) shared a
background and history of the domestic worker movement and the inception of MCDW. Ruthella Logan (WILD) and Maga shared and co-translated labor rights. Myrna Morales (MCDW) introduced the media campaign, presenting MCDW’s mission through media. Myrna and the social media team crafted a beautiful presentation of our MOThers, their photos, and their stories. Our MOThers, Mayra Molina (MassCOSH), Jenny Casildo (MassCOSH), Jocilene Lopes (BWG), Maria Felicidad Rosa (DDC), Rafaela Tapia (DDC) and Raisa Arias (DDC) each shared some words about why they are proud to be a domestic worker, and why their job deserves dignity and respect. The common thread throughout all of their stories - love. They give powerful love to their work and acknowledge that they deserve to receive the same love that they give. The event was filled with laughter, appreciation, and connection - all essential fuel to the fire of this movement.

Join us for our Know Your Rights: The Podcast Episode on November 16th from 6pm - 8pm. Please RSVP here: RSVP for November 16th Event.

AG Healey, Boston University Announce New Tool to Identify Potential Cases of Labor Trafficking and Assist Victims
From the press release:
In a joint effort to combat labor trafficking in Massachusetts, Attorney General Maura Healey, faculty from Boston University School of Law, and representatives from the BU Spark! Initiative at BU’s Hariri Institute for Computing today announced a new tool they developed to help identify potential labor trafficking cases and connect victims to resources.
Learn more:

Currently, we are hard at work trying to build the necessary capacity to move our work forward.  If you would like to support us, please email us at info@massdomesticworkers.org.  

Upcoming Events

Please save the following dates and join us for some media events!
November 16th, 6pm-8pm RSVP link 
December 16th, 6pm-8pm  (RSVP link coming soon) 

Know a domestic worker? An employer of a domestic worker? Or a general supporter?

Send them this link - http://bit.ly/mcdw-newsletter and have them sign up for our newsletter to learn more about the legal rights of domestic workers and what they can do to ensure dignity, respect & justice for those who carry the economy on their backs! 

MCDW's twitter
MCDW's facebook page
MCDW's Website

November 2019

View this email in your browser
Logo for the coalition,  has 3 people, one in orange, green and purple. Orange is by a stroller, Green is holding a broom up and purple is holding a laundry basket.  The background is a gray map of Massachusetts

Coalition News and Updates!

Hello Friends!

MCDW stays busy!  It's completely understandable considering that the country remains in crisis.  Over here at MCDW, though, we've had 2 successful meetings with our workers and organizers.  We are also announcing the last of the program for 2019!  Join us for our Know Your Rights: The Live Show! on December 16th from 6pm - 8pm. Please RSVP here: RSVP for December 16th Event.  This event will feature a small group of workers and organizers sharing their stories about how they arrived to this movement while situating it in the context of this moment.  We hope you can join us.

On November 5th, MCDW with support of our steering committee did a contract negotiation workshop where 15 workers attended.  Everyone who was in the room participated in deepening their understanding of the Bill of Rights and started getting comfortable with negotiating contracts with employers.  Special thank you goes to Milagros Barreto of MassCOSH, Tess Ewing of WILD and Magalis Troncoso and the worker-consultants: Mayra Molina, Jenny Casildo, Jocilene Lopes, Raisa Arias, Felicidad Rosa and Margarita Jimenez! 

Then on November 17th, MCDW had its podcast release party!  MCDW is pleased to bring you the first episode of Domestic Workers Rising.  Take a listen and share!  Capacity willing, we plan to bring you an episode quarterly featuring the voices of the workers and supporters who help bring dignity, justice and respect to this critical work and this movement!   We have a special message from the workers and organizers to you.  Take a listen.

Currently, we are hard at work trying to build the necessary capacity to move our work forward.  If you would like to support us, please email us at info@massdomesticworkers.org.  

Upcoming Events & Announcements:

  • We still need your help!  We are asking for your support in helping us raise $10,000 to build the necessary infrastructure to support our base. Whether through donating money, or asking friends to donate, every little bit helps! Sharing is caring and domestic workers deserve to be cared for in the same ways they care for us! Here is the link: let's support MCDW!
  • If you haven't have an opportunity to check out our image campaign, check out some of our images!
  • AG Healey, Boston University Announce New Tool to Identify Potential Cases of Labor Trafficking and Assist Victims.Check out the tool: http://www.traffickingresult.com/

Know a domestic worker? An employer of a domestic worker? Or a general supporter?

Send them this link - http://bit.ly/mcdw-newsletter and have them sign up for our newsletter to learn more about the legal rights of domestic workers and what they can do to ensure dignity, respect & justice for those who carry the economy on their backs! 

MCDW's twitter
MCDW's facebook page
MCDW's Website