Dear Partners and Allies of MCDW,
It is with great enthusiasm that I have returned to MCDW after a year of leaving. I am returning as MCDW’s Interim Executive Director, and I do take on this role with humility and great responsibility. MCDW is stronger and the commitment to engage and partner with those most impacted by the issues we work on is even more palpable than when I left. Myrna Morales, the outgoing Director, did a tremendous job to continue to stabilize the Coalition and ensure that Domestic Workers continue to be the engine that moves the work we do at MCDW, and they certainly move the economy of our country.
Therefore, we see MCDW as part of a larger ecology for the rights of workers, women, people of color, and immigrants. Because domestic work stands at the intersection of the experiences of all these communities, fighting for the dignity of domestic workers is ultimately a fight to transform many core systems in our country. MCDW is part of a national movement for the dignity of domestic workers as an affiliate of the National Domestic Workers Alliance. We attend gatherings of domestic workers nationally, bring their political education curriculum to domestic workers in MA, and build relationships on a national scale. Locally, our leadership and membership are actively involved with several other organizations that provide mutual aid and fight for housing justice, immigrant rights, and workers’ rights, and more recently, driving licenses. By being active leaders and building relationships across organizations, we build a dynamic network of direct action, community power, and shared demands for the liberation of our communities.
In this issue you will see that the Domestic Workers Leadership Development Program aims to identify and support workers leaders who in turn will work with our coalition to mobilize and organize Domestic Workers in the state of Massachusetts. We have also highlighted the work of two of our member organizations, and we are making the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights, which we passed in 2014, more accessible in the video included in this issue.
We have so much work to do dignify Domestic Work in our society and we hope you continue to join us in this fight and support our work.
In solidarity,
Myriam Hernandez Jennings, Interim Executive Director